Mad Honey — Jodi Picoult



"Mad Honey" is a gripping novel co-written by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan. The story is set in a small town in New Hampshire and revolves around the lives of Olivia, a single mother and beekeeper, and her son, Asher. Olivia has returned to her hometown to escape a difficult past and provide a safer environment for her son.

The narrative alternates between Olivia and her teenage son Asher. Asher falls in love with a girl named Lily, and their relationship blossoms. However, their young love takes a tragic turn when Lily is found dead under mysterious circumstances, and Asher becomes the prime suspect in her death.

As the story unfolds, Olivia, who had been a lawyer before becoming a beekeeper, fights to prove her son's innocence. The novel delves deep into the complexities of relationships, the nature of truth, and the prejudices of society. Themes of love, betrayal, and the secrets kept within families are explored as Olivia confronts her own past and the small-town dynamics.

The title "Mad Honey" is a reference to a type of honey that can have hallucinogenic effects, which plays a pivotal role in the story. The book also sheds light on the intricacies of beekeeping, reflecting parallels between the beehive and human society.

The novel's shocking twist reveals the true circumstances surrounding Lily's death and challenges the characters' and readers' understanding of identity, love, and justice. It's a story that combines a murder mystery with a deep exploration of personal identity and societal norms.

Chapter Summaries