Episode 019 The Top 5 Reasons To Be a Jack of All Trades
- Jackofalltrades, master of none is an artificial pairing and it is possible to be a jackofalltrades, master of many.
- The 80/20 principle applies to skills, meaning 20% of a language’s vocabulary will enable you to communicate and understand 80% of the time.
- In a world of dogmatic specialists, it is often the generalist who ends up running the show.
- Boredom is failure and the opposite of happiness is not sadness, but boredom.
- Generalists are better able to predict, innovate, and rise to power faster than specialists.
- Reason No. 1 to be a jackofalltrades is to prevent boredom and failure.
- Reason No. 2 is that diversity of intellectual playgrounds breeds confidence instead of fear.
- Reason No. 3 is that it is more fun and maximizes peak experiences in life.
- Reason No. 4 is that it allows one to find the few things they are uniquely suited to dominate.
- Reason No. 5 is that it allows one to look at the same problems from different perspectives and gain insights to win in the full context sport of life.