Episode 013 Productivity Tricks for the Neurotic
- Tim Ferriss begins the episode with a quote from Neil Gaiman
- Tim's essay is called "Productivity Tricks for the Neurotic ManicDepressive and Crazy Like Me"
- Tim shares a story of his own neurotic behavior to illustrate his point
- Tim explains that successful people are often portrayed as superheroes, leading to an unhealthy knee jerk conclusion from readers
- Tim shares his own successes and failures over the last few months
- Tim's coping mechanism is an 8step process for maximizing efficacy
- The 8 steps include: waking up early, making a cup of tea, writing down 35 things that make you anxious, and asking yourself if you would be satisfied with the day if that was the only thing you accomplished
- Being busy is a form of laziness and is often used as a guise for avoiding uncomfortable actions.
- What you do is more important than how you do it and doing something well does not make it important.
- To be productive, focus on one mustdo item and block out two to three hours of uninterrupted time.
- If feeling overwhelmed, remember that even the best of the best feel this way sometimes.
- Resources and articles are available to help rebound from selfdoubt.