Chapter Thirty-One
- A protagonist, hanging precariously and potentially facing a deadly fall, is unexpectedly saved by Jack Barlowe, who she initially mistakes for her ally, Eya.
- Jack, with a strong grip, pulls the protagonist up to safety despite their complicated past involving the protagonist having killed Jack before—a death that provided Jack with a transformative realization about himself.
- Once safe, the protagonist readies herself for any possible betrayal, but Jack explains that by saving her, they are now even; he leaves peacefully after imparting this sentiment.
- The protagonist contemplates the gravity of the situation, reminding herself of the danger they all face from someone named Aetos, who is relentlessly targeting her group of Riders.
- As the protagonist tries to recover from the life-threatening ordeal, her comrade Ridoc appears, expressing concern for her well-being and informing her about a critical lead on the location of a vault they need to access.
- The vault’s entrance is guarded by wards that can only be unlocked with the assistance of someone from King Tauri's bloodline. The protagonist realizes they can leverage their connection to a prince opposed to his father, King Tauri, to gain access to the vault.
- The protagonist is struck by the loss of Eya but resolves to honor her by continuing to fight for the cause she died protecting.