APPENDIX 1: Bibliography


The chapter does not provide a narrative or a story to be summarized as it is essentially a list of references and resources on various topics related to parenting, motherhood, childlessness, and personal growth. It includes a variety of books, magazine articles, and academic publications. Important authors and works mentioned include: - Armstong, Penny and Sheryl Feldman's "A Wise Birth: Bringing Together the Best of Natural Childbirth with Modern Medicine." - Bennett, Shoshanna's "Beyond the Blues: A Guide to Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression." - Berne, Eric's "Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships." - Bowen, Murray's "Family Therapy in Clinical Practice." - Brach, Tara's "Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of the Buddha." - Foster, Karen's "No Way Baby! Exploring, Understanding and Defending the Decision Not to Have Children." - Wilson, Elizabeth's "A Baby? Maybe." - Bardwick, Judith's "In Transition: How Feminism, Sexual Liberation and the Search for Self-Fulfillment Have Altered America." - Lehrer, Jonah's "How We Decide."