VIII: Our Infinite Days — Chapter 6
- The chapter opens 503 days after Marx had been shot, with Charlotte and Adam Worth starting work on Our Infinite Days.
- Sam had packed up Sadie’s office to prepare for the Worths, leaving Unfair Games devoid of both his partners. He checks how Charlotte is settling in and they discuss a game she is using as reference - The Scottish Expansion.
- Charlotte is appreciative of Sadie Green's detailed work, showing Sam an Easter egg - an Asian actor playing Macbeth and performing a "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" speech.
- This moment triggers a memory for Sam about when Marx suggested the name for their company: Tomorrow Games. This name was based on the "Tomorrow" speech from Macbeth, speaking on the transient existence of life.
- After watching the Easter egg, Sam leaves and Charlotte worries she might have been inappropriately casual with her new boss.
- Sam is touched by the Easter egg as it feels like a message from Sadie, bringing him some comfort and hope.
- Sam decides to play 'The Oregon Trail', one of Sadie's favorite games and begins brainstorming ideas on turning this classic one-player game into a multiplayer online game.
- He locks himself in his office, takes out a sketchpad and a sharpened pencil, and starts outlining his new game idea, with an imaginary conversation with Sadie guiding him.