Chapter 30
- Evelyn and Celia were together for three years without having any contact.
- Celia left Evelyn abruptly without saying another word and Evelyn did not try to contact her, thinking that if Celia doesn't want her, then she doesn't need Celia.
- Evelyn was miserable and hung up on Celia for many years, looking at Celia's pictures in a magazine called Sub Rosa and wondering about the people with her in the photos.
- Evelyn regrets not reaching out to Celia, not spending time with her, and causing her pain. She feels she should have pursued her and realized how empty fame and wealth are.
- Despite this, Evelyn still believed that Celia would come back to her and they would get back together as their connection was not over yet.
- While discussing all this, the narrator gets a notification from David – her husband from whom she has recently separated – asking if they could talk about their impending divorce. But, she puts it out of her mind and continues the interview with Evelyn.
- Evelyn admits that she married Rex North while she was waiting for Celia to come back. She did it to save the movie, "Anna Karenina," which was way over its budget and she had a stake in the box office. She was worried that if her first project after Boute-en-Train didn't do well, she'd be considered a one-hit wonder. So she married Rex to generate interest in the movie.