Chapter Forty
- Maddie notices samples of a book titled "Love Stories from the Middle East" with her company's name and a note to get approval from Kris.
- Intrigued by the "& Co" replacing her "et al." suggestion, Maddie seeks out Penny to discuss her desire for more responsibility.
- Maddie expresses to Penny that she contributed to several ideas, such as the author Afra's book changes, but feels her role is unacknowledged.
- Penny reminds Maddie of the support the company provides to bring her ideas to life and questions what Maddie is seeking.
- Maddie declares her wish to learn and be more involved, specifically asking to join Creative meetings.
- Penny initially resists but then acknowledges Maddie's talents and admits that Maddie should be considered an asset.
- After Maddie inquires about Penny's well-being, she gets invited to join Creative meetings but is reminded to complete her administrative tasks.
- Maddie participates in a meeting with a popular illustrator, Charlotte, and her agent, who happens to be Sam, someone Maddie knows.
- Penny discusses the company's fair payment practices for illustrators of color and gauges Maddie's comfort in attending the meeting as one of the few people of color present.
- Maddie takes notice of Sam's attractiveness and the attention he receives in the meeting, especially while speaking.
- After the meeting, Sam asks Maddie to show him out and inquires if she was able to speak with her boss about her role, referencing their previous conversation.
- Sam invites Maddie to dinner, hinting at a date, and they discuss the potential awkwardness given Sam's history with Jo.
- Maddie contemplates whether Sam's prior involvement with Jo should deter her from dating him but remains undecided.
- Sam leaves his phone number with Maddie, placing the decision to contact him in her hands, and also hints at possible collaboration if Maddie's employer becomes his publisher.
- Maddie defends her company's integrity and pitching style to Sam and subtly promotes her potential involvement in his book project as an asset.