Chapter 8: Overreaching
- Elizabeth and her rowing partner, Calvin, repeatedly capsized their boat during training despite their efforts on the water.
- Elizabeth begrudgingly learns rowing concepts and techniques on an erg machine on land after failing in the water.
- Calvin conceals the difficulty of rowing a pair from Elizabeth to keep her motivated, but their struggles on the water continue.
- Despite her initial lack of patience and skill, Elizabeth eventually grasps the physics behind rowing, leading to improved performance and recognition.
- Elizabeth is patronized by her boss, Dr. Donatti, who doubts her intellectual capabilities and diminishes her scientific research.
- Donatti's antagonism towards Elizabeth has roots in his past rowing experience at Harvard and his ongoing rivalry with Calvin.
- Donatti's personal biases and background shape his condescending attitude towards Elizabeth and his manipulative behavior.
- Elizabeth grapples with self-doubt and contemplates her career after Donatti undermines her, while a lab mate seeks her advice on his own seemingly significant findings.
- Calvin understands the difficulties Elizabeth faces at the research institute but determines not to intervene on her behalf.
- Nonetheless, Calvin confronts Donatti after suspecting him of trying to cancel Elizabeth's research project.
- Donatti responds to Calvin's accusations with dismissive remarks and claims to be promoting Elizabeth's career growth.
- Donatti's plans to undermine Calvin by sabotaging his relationship with Elizabeth are thwarted by an unexpected donor who supports Elizabeth's research.
- Elizabeth excitedly shares with Calvin the news that her project is reinstated, unaware of his involvement in resolving the issue behind the scenes.
- Elizabeth continues her pursuit of rowing by joining a men's eight team, aiming for better coordination and reduced chances of flipping the boat.
- Calvin and Elizabeth successfully complete a practice session with the men's team, with Calvin believing he has secretly protected her yet again.
- Elizabeth begins to question the rumors about Calvin's alleged tendency to hold grudges, with Calvin denying any malice in his professional relationships.