An Impossible Jam
- The chapter starts with Cameron, a worker at an aquarium, interacting with an octopus. The octopus seems to be trying to escape from its tank, so Cameron reinforces the tank to make sure the octopus can't get out.
- Cameron receives a message on his phone from a woman called Elizabeth asking him to call her. Elizabeth is pregnant and on bed rest. She and Cameron chat and share a few laughs, and Cameron enjoys talking to her.
- Cameron cleans the aquarium and checks on the octopus again before he is interrupted by the arrival of his boss, Terry. Terry checks on the work Cameron is doing and asks him to fill in some paperwork that's been pending for a while.
- Terry asks for a photocopy of Cameron’s driving license, which Cameron attempts to get done. However, the photocopier malfunctions and keeps prompting Cameron about a paper jam in a drawer that doesn't exist.
- Frustrated, Cameron leaves the driver's license on Terry's desk, planning to retrieve it the next night.
- Cameron recalls past events where his negligence towards filling out forms had cost him a scholarship opportunity. He has just completed the pending aquarium personnel form, which he leaves on Terry's desk along with his driver's license.