- The protagonist, Nora, experiences a surprising kind of shock. She realizes that she wants to live, contrary to what others on the dinghy might assume.
- They pass by a small island full of life, including green lichens across rocks, and birds like auks and puffins braving the cold Arctic wind.
- Nora accepts and drinks coffee from Hugo, her hands cold despite wearing three pairs of gloves.
- She reflects on the primal will to live that nature possesses, and her desire to be part of it.
- Nora thinks about the vastness of the world and how it can be easy to lose that perspective when staying in one place for too long. Similarly, she compares this to the vastness within each person.
- Once someone perceives this vastness, she believes hope springs forth, whether desired or not. This hope is persistent and clings stubbornly, much like lichen to a rock.