Chapter 6
- The protagonist observes the grandeur of the estate, which is more luxurious than their former manor.
- The protagonist notes the silence and emptiness of the place, which stirs a sense of fear.
- Magic appears to be responsible for the out-of-season display of spring.
- The protagonist feels trapped and considers escaping by riding south to a wall.
- Weak and hungry, the protagonist realizes the escape plan is unfeasible without food and strength.
- Entering the towering house, the protagonist discovers its opulence and silently wishes to escape.
- The protagonist refuses the offer of food from the faerie host, fearing the enslavement that comes with accepting faerie hospitality.
- The faerie host can transform from a beast into a golden-haired man, revealing he is High Fae, and offers freedom within Prythian.
- The protagonist encounters another High Fae, Lucien, who mocks her and discloses the death of their friend Andras due to an ash arrow the protagonist shot.
- Lucien is critical of the protagonist's presence, but the host insists on keeping her unharmed.
- The protagonist is taken to a lavish bedroom and is tended to by servants, indicating a certain level of courtesy from her captors.
- Although they're polite, the protagonist continues to prioritize escape over comfort.
- Alis, a servant, provides the protagonist with suitable clothing after her own are destroyed in the wash.
- Alis braids the protagonist's hair, offers a warning to stay vigilant, and indicates some fae resentment towards the mortal’s presence.