Chapter Eighty-One
- Hunt experiences a distortion of time that stretches moments into what feels like eternity as he watches the death of Archangel Micah.
- Bryce jumps from a window, wielding a sword that she had hidden for two years. The sword once belonged to Danika, suggesting its significance and purpose in this moment.
- Hunt watches as Bryce slices through Micah with the sword, savoring these final moments before the synth takes over.
- Despite him thinking that the synth, a drug that induces insanity and self-destruction, is overtaking Bryce, he notices that her eyes reflect nothing but cold, glittering vengeance, and she appears to be healing.
- Hypaxia confirms that the antidote is working, revealing that she sent it to Bryce instead of the venom that Hunt thought she would need to stabilize.
- After Micah is killed, Bryce douses his remains in gasoline and sets him ablaze, eradicating all traces of him and ensuring he cannot be healed or saved.
- The gallery is surrounded by the Auxiliary and Fae units outside, but Bryce shuts the door on them, and starts cleaning up the gallery with a vacuum, erasing all evidence of Micah's death.