Chapter Thirty-Four
- Bryce, Ruhn, and Hunt speculate on the motive of whoever has stolen and potentially repaired the Horn, suggesting that it may be used to open the Northern Rift and bring forth demonic beings.
- They also discuss the murder of the lone acolyte who was on duty the night the Horn was stolen, wondering if she was killed to prevent her from divulging any information she might have had.
- Bryce suggests that Danika may have stumbled upon the plan relating to the Horn and was subsequently murdered for it.
- Ruhn brings up potential ways to repair the Horn, and they discuss how it requires a Starborn Fae to function. Bryce makes it clear that even if Ruhn fits that bill, he will not be using it.
- Bryce and Hunt discuss her past encounter with an Oracle, which resulted in the Oracle going temporarily blind and Bryce being rejected by her biological Fae father.
- Hunt shows Bryce images of ancient artifacts that represent a type of demon - kristallos - being killed, hinting that the trio might be able to use brute force to kill the kristallos themselves.
- Bryce is skeptical of this and she is visibly upset when discussing the horn and the past killings.
- Hunt and Bryce also discuss an ancient civilization called Parthos. Hunt has always assumed it was mythical, while Bryce implies there might be some truth to it.
- They discuss Danika’s strange last few days where she was stationed at Luna’s Temple where the Horn was stolen and conclude that there must be some connection.
- Finally, it is revealed that they will soon be meeting with Philip Briggs, someone important in their investigation, for questioning. Bryce is worried about the meeting as Briggs is likely to share unpleasant things about Danika.
- Bryce dismisses Hunt and reflects on her loss and loneliness in the wake of Danika’s death, emphasizing her reluctant stability and resilience.