Chapter Sixteen
- The chapter starts with Ruhn relaxing and zoning out to music after smoking mirthroot with Flynn. He is interrupted by the arrival of his sister Bryce who needs to discuss something important with him.
- Bryce needs Ruhn's help to find out if he knows anything about the Viper Queen's recent actions and whereabouts on the day Maximus Tertian was killed. It seems Bryce has been commissioned by the Governor to investigate the murder, and she's defiant in her decision to see it through despite Ruhn's protests.
- Ruhn is concerned for his sister's safety as he knows the power of the demon involved in the murder. He advises her not to take off her protective Archesian amulet at any point.
- Ruhn also warns Bryce about getting involved with the Viper Queen and is upset that Hunt Athalar is assigned to protect her. He's so angered by Hunt's involvement that there's a brief power stand-off in the street between them, but it's diffused before it escalates.
- The chapter ends with Ruhn pondering whether the recent murders and the search for the Horn are somehow connected, and decides to look into it.