Chapter Thirty
- Hunt escorts Bryce through the Comitium lobby to the 33rd barracks area using the elevator and they stand out given Quinlan's civilian clothing and Hunt's physical appearance because of prominence.
- The duo draw curiosity from crowd in the lobby wondering about the nature of their relationship and purpose of their visit. Bryce however gains attention and manages to playfully invite it.
- The nature of elevator in Comitium is such that nobody dares to get in with Hunt due to his reputation and fears associated with it. Hunt taps into this fear instinctively to keep distance from crowd due to his past experiences.
- On their journey up, their conversation reveals that Hunt's phone only has photos of crime scenes and no personal images. Bryce reacts by taking a selfie on it to add some normalcy.
- In discussing the nature of legionaries and their behaviour, Hunt explains his lack of interpersonal relations due to his non-privileged background and tragic past experiences with relationships.
- Hunt's past reveals his struggles and sacrifices due to servitude and the persistent challenges he faces due to societal norms and laws.
- The pair ultimately reach Hunt's room after further discussing his past, the realities of his servitude, and his ambitions for freedom. His room reveals a very minimalistic and practical lifestyle due to the impermanence and uncertainties of his servitude.
- Bryce inquires about his unique lightning powers and why he isn't the head of the legionaries. He chalks this up to his disregard for diplomacy and people-pleasing tactics.
- Finally, before leaving the Comitium, they are informed that their request to interview Briggs, an inmate at Adrestia Prison had been approved. But, they have to wait a few days due to his condition. In the meantime, they plan to see an Oracle for consultation.
- Their journey together makes Bryce see Hunt in a different light than normal legionnaires she had observed previously due to his life struggles, sensitivity, and uniqueness.
- The chapter concludes with an event in the lobby where everyone was bowing down to an Archangel appearing at the entrance along with Micah.