Chapter Ninety
- Bryce is leaning against the Gate, feeling drained yet hopeful that she has made a difference with her starlight.
- Reports indicate that Bryce is too weak to move from the Gate and might need assistance reaching the next one.
- The group learns that imperial tanks from the Asterian Guard are approaching with brimstone missiles, a deadly combination of angelic elemental powers. They're not only going to deal with the demons but also with Bryce.
- The Asterian Guard fires their missiles, causing mass destruction in the city. Bryce is unable to move from getting pinned by debris but she is healing faster than normal due to the Horn in her back.
- The Asterian Guard readies another round of missiles. According to Bryce's allies, the guard does not care who they hit; they'll keep bombarding the city until Bryce is dead and the Gates are destroyed.
- Hunt, a member of Bryce's group, decides to act. Since he can't fly with his weak wings, he requests Fury to fly the helicopter as high as it can go.
- Hunt jumps out of the helicopter, plunging down towards Bryce who is curled up on the ground.
- As Hunt nears Bryce, a brimstone missile lands not too far away causing a destructive wave of power. He unfolds his wings, generating lightning, and shields Bryce from the ensuing blast.