40. July 30, 2021
- Holly Gibney is in a hospital conference room for a meeting post her kidnapping ordeal.
- Attending the meeting are various officials, including district attorney Tantleff, FBI agent Beale, and police detective Izzy, as well as other individuals connected to the case by Zoom.
- Holly confirms she acted in self-defense during the kidnapping when shown a photograph of her bloodstained earring.
- Izzy reveals disturbing evidence found at the Harris residence, including human remains and possible use of human fat as lotion.
- DA Tantleff notes the challenge of prosecuting the case since Holly killed her kidnappers.
- A conversation is interrupted by a phone call with more gruesome findings, leading to the decision to inform victims' families.
- The meeting ends with Holly feeling exhausted and emotionally drained, leading to her crying herself to sleep.
- In the second part, Holly is called to meet with Detective Izzy in the hospital chapel.
- Izzy has informed Penny Dahl, the mother of a victim, about the tragic fate of her daughter, which went terribly.
- Finally, Jerome visits Vera Steinman to inform her about the death of her son, Peter, and to offer her some kind of consolation.
- Jerome commits to staying with Vera until her sponsor arrives, as she contemplates needing a drink after the news.