Chapter 25: Virginia: War Prism
- Virginia observes that high-ranking individuals see war as a game of accounting, focused on resources rather than courage or bloodshed.
- She's tasked with defending Phobos, which is critical for Mars’ docks and orbital defense, and regrets that an expected attack called the Rain didn't occur.
- Her crown, a technological device, helps her monitor and manage up to 180 battles simultaneously, though she delegates some to Nakamura and the Nucleus staff.
- Battles are characterized by clawDrills tunneling through Phobos, bypassing the strategic defenses and stretching their capability to manage the invasion.
- Despite the chaos, Virginia's troops destroy clawDrills and counter the enemy's advantage of a heavily armored vanguard.
- Virginia provides quick tactical recommendations, has to trust her officers on the ground, and focuses on strategically allocating reinforcements.
- The strategy seems to work with Lysander's forces being outnumbered despite their discipline, and Kavax on the surface winning his battle.
- Squad coms capture the chaotic and intense communication between soldiers during direct engagements.
- Victra finally breaks through communication jamming, providing an update from the fleet, as does Char about Diomedes approaching Phobos.
- Virginia prioritizes fleet integrity over individual battles, recalling advice from her father that brutal decisions are necessary in war.
- She coordinates the defense against assaults waging both physically and digitally, while also reinforcing strategic points.
- The chapter includes intense, fast-paced moments of battle management, with units like the Red Legion and Lionguards being exhausted.
- Ajax, a powerful enemy, is suspected to be on the field, which complicates Virginia’s defenses.
- Nakamura suggests they evacuate as enemy reinforcements threaten their position, but Virginia focuses on managing the retreat.
- Votum and Rath ships arrive, and Virginia sends her last reserves to protect the shield generator as the defense begins to falter.
- As the situation deteriorates, Virginia orders a strategic retreat and prepares for her potential evacuation by giving necessary orders.
- Despite the chaos and the need for immediate evacuation, Virginia prioritizes the coordination of the fighting withdrawal.
- Kavax is presumably killed during Apollonius's attack, and Apollonius then threatens Virginia directly as the chapter ends.