Chapter 71: Darrow: Ashvar
- Darrow is the narrator who prayed for Lyria's safety and success while inside a leviathan in acid-resistant pods for three days.
- Upon emerging, Darrow walks towards the high table with Sevro and Cassius while heavily armed, with chaos ensuing behind them.
- Bodyguards surround them with the intent to attack, but are halted when Sevro threatens them with a detonator and darts.
- Darrow challenges Volsung Fá, claiming vendetta for injustices including waging war, enslavement, and the deaths of Ragnar and Sefi.
- He uses a traditional Obsidian mark to declare "ashvar," which requires others to grant immunity and hospitality until vendetta is resolved through one-on-one combat.
- The Ascomanni bodyguards, worshipers of the Allfather, see Darrow as a worthy opponent and are excited at the prospect of a fight with Fá.
- Fá tries to dismiss Darrow’s claim but is interrupted by Skarde, who points out that Darrow is part of the Volk and entitled to declare ashvar by their law.
- Skarde cleverly forces Fá's hand by suggesting the fight is a sign of divine favor and the Allfather's blessing, prompting the Ascomanni to support the duel.
- Façades of bravado prevent other jarls from speaking up, but eventually they and the Ascomanni call for Fá to accept the challenge.
- Trapped by his own propagated religion and martial code, Fá accepts Darrow's claim of ashvar.
- The terms for the fight are established as "honorable" with weapons, in the "Dome," and with "Full-metal" panoply.