28. The Shrimper
- In this chapter, Sheriff Ed and Joe enter the local beer house, the Dog-Gone, which is a popular spot for local gossip among the male patrons.
- Ed and Joe join in with the chatter, mostly based around the recent mysterious events surrounding Chase Andrews, who was pushed off a tower.
- While engaging with the locals, the Sheriff is approached by Hal Miller, a shrimper crew for Tim O’Neal, who wants to share some potentially important information.
- Hal tells the Sheriff that on the night Chase Andrews died, he and another crewman, Allen Hunt, saw the Marsh Girl boating late at night near the bay.
- According to Hal, the Marsh Girl was heading towards the fire tower, the same location Chase Andrews was pushed from. This sighting appears to have taken place just shortly after midnight.
- Hal confesses that at the time, they did not think much of the sighting, and only realized its potential significance when they discovered it was the same night Chase died.
- The Sheriff acknowledges the gravity of the revelation. He tells Hal that his information is very important and asks him and Allen to make a formal statement about it.
- Hal declines the offer of a drink from the Sheriff and leaves the bar, making his goodbyes.
- Joe remains with the Sheriff, who relays the information Hal shared. The two ponder over the significance, and the Sheriff considers using Hal’s knowledge to gain a search warrant for the Marsh Girl's home.