49. Disguises
- Mr. Larry Price, a bus driver for Trailways in North Carolina, is called as a witness in a trial involving a woman, Miss Clark.
- He confirms that it is possible to travel from Greenville to Barkley Cove and back again in one night.
- On the night of Chase's death, the bus he was driving didn't carry any passenger that looked like Miss Clark.
- However, Price mentions a skinny passenger who could have been a tall woman disguised as a man on the bus. He noted the man wore a bulky blue cap and kept his head down.
- Upon seeing Miss Clark, Price now believes it was possible the skinny man was in fact her in disguise.
- Kya is instructed to stand, and Price confirms her height and stature match the skinny man from the bus.
- Price expresses that he thinks it's very possible the skinny man on the bus was Miss Clark.
- Tom (presumably part of Miss Clark's defence) seconds the idea that the man might not have been Miss Clark, as Price didn't initially think the man was a woman in disguise - he only thought of this possibility after it was suggested by the sheriff.
- Tom also calls into question Price's memory in remembering the skinny man's presence on the night of October 29th. Price admits he can't be 100% sure of the date.
- Tom gets Price to admit the bus was late that night, arriving at Barkley cove at 1:40am.
- A second witness, a bus driver named Mr. John King, is called. He drove the 2:30am bus from Barkley Cove to Greenville on October 30th.
- Mr. King did not see Miss Clark on his bus but does remember an older woman with a physical likeness to Miss Clark. He agrees that, with a disguise, Miss Clark could look like the older woman on the bus.
- However, upon Tom's questioning, Mr. King admits he did not see Miss Clark on the bus, and there were no other buses from Barkley Cove to Greenville that night.