4. School
- It's 1952 and Kya, a young girl living alone, is eating breakfast of boiled grits and crackers when she's approached by a truant officer, Mrs. Culpepper, who insists it's time for her to go to school. Given that Kya is eager to learn about reading and numbers, she decides to go.
- At school, Kya feels out of place and is laughed at when she tries to spell 'dog.' She feels the pains of being different as she eats alone during lunch and endures torment from the other students on the bus ride home. Kya attempts to fit in but still experiences isolation. Despite this, she remains curious and eager to learn.
- After school, overwhelmed, Kya runs to the beach and calls for the birds. As she feeds them, she is comforted by their company and wishes she could bring them all home with her.
- A few days later, another attempt to bring Kya back to school is made, but she has learned from her experiences and successfully evades capture. After a few more weeks, the attempts to take her to school stop and she returns to her solitary life in the marsh.
- Kya suffers an injury when she steps on a rusty nail that was stuck on the tree where they had their treehouse, causing a deep wound. Alone and afraid of developing lockjaw, Kya resorts to natural remedies to treat herself. She survives the ordeal without medical help and continues her solitary life.
- As time passes, Kya grows more comfortable being alone in the marsh, considering it as her mother. The marsh is the only constant presence in her life, serving as her provider and protector.